Psoriasis affects roughly three percent of the population, with the diagnosis being equally common amongst males and females. While psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are much more prevalent in adults, children can develop the condition. Disease awareness and effective treatment are crucial to addressing and even preventing adverse long-term physical and emotional outcomes.
If you have psoriasis, you know that the chronic skin condition is much deeper than the surface irritation. Patients frequently experience itching, pain, burning, difficulty sleeping, and embarrassment due to this very treatable and relatively common skin condition.

What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a treatable immunologic condition with genetic and environmental factors that cause the rapid and under-regulated production of new skin cells. Underneath the skin surface, the same hyper-inflammation can affect your joints and other organ systems.
When keratinocytes, skin cells, divide much faster than usual, they reach the skin’s surface much quicker than they should. In healthy skin, it takes about a month for a normal keratinocyte to make its journey up to the surface, but the skin cells of people with chronic psoriasis often complete this journey in a matter of days. The result is an accumulation of new skin cells that the body does not shed. The heaped up keratinocytes at the skin’s surface leads to the thick, red, itchy plaques often associated with skin psoriasis.
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If you experience a skin condition, you should schedule an initial consultation to determine a diagnosis. An initial consultation can provide the medical professional with an overview of your medical history and help them determine the best treatment option for you and your needs. Liora Dermatology takes an individualized approach to each patient, helping to create a customized treatment plan. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about surgical dermatology and whether it is an option for you.
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